Sunday, January 3, 2010

My best and worst entry thus far...

So I've thought of starting a blog for some time now... but as one of the world's finest procrastinators - it has only taken me about a year to jump into all of the madness. As my fellow "do it later" comrads, we all know that there is always more "later" and never enough we save just about everything for later! So now that you know my most apparent flaw - I will tell you that I am one of those sleep-deprived, spit-up-on-the-shoulder-but-just-don't-care-at-this-point-in-the-day, always-have-a-never-ending-"to do"-list, frazzled people called "mothers." And so I hope to share the most amusing aspects of daily life that may make you empathize, sympathize, or maybe laugh (I'm hoping for mostly the latter of the three). At the moment, my household consists of my husband that always has good intentions but never quite gets his dirty clothes to the laundry chute, my two-year-old daughter that has mastered the art of faking her parents into believing she is potty trained several times now, my 6-week-old daughter that is just starting to smile (yay!), and my spastic trash-picking pointer-mix dog. Then there is of course me - I always have grand expectations of myself but usually end up getting about 1/4 of my goals for the day accomplished (most likely due to my extreme "it can be done later" outlook!

The "darnedest thing" I've encountered today is my oldest daughter (who is quite the drama queen) notices that her new socks have the rubber grippies on the bottom. She asks, "Mommy, what's that?" I replied, "Those are little grippies so you don't fall on the kitchen floor." In turn, she emphatically says, "OHHHH! Thank you, Mommy!" with the biggest grin on her face. - Just one of those things that makes you laugh (or at least made me laugh!)

So... this is both my best and worst blog entry so far...and hopefully more will follow....later!

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